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Our app development team is in the process of launching several new apps for people with disabilities, service providers and professionals working in the field of special education.

AIM Navigator App Icon

AIM Explorer

The AIM Explorer is a free simulation that combines grade-leveled digital text with access features common to most text readers and other supported reading software.
AIM Navigator App Icon

AIM Navigator

Navigator assists with decision-making about accessible instructional materials.
Brain Injury App Icon

Brain Injury

The Brain Injury Strategies App is intended to provide ideas for supporting an individual who is returning to learning. It addresses various areas of concern that can happen after a concussion, a type of traumatic brain injury.
EzPic2Txt App Icon


The EzPic2Txt App sends preset message(s) to preset contact(s) as e-mails or text messages with one swipe or touch.
Make And Play Quiz App Icon

Make And Play Quiz

Make And Play Quiz allows teachers to design their own unique board game or "quiz", where students can learn or strengthen their skills by playing a game.
BDC Lite

BDC Lite

Behavior Data Collection Lite designed for teachers and has only two templates, simple that collects and displays counts and/or durations and interval recording that collects and displays on/off task counts.